Study visit of civil servants from the Directorate for Prison System and Probation to Norwegian KRUS (University College of Norwegian Correctional Service)
Civil servants of the Directorate for Prison System and Probation (Smiljka Baranček, Head of Training Centre, Petar Rukavina, Warden of Gospić Prison, Iva Prskalo, Head of Department within the Training Centre, and Dijana Todosiev, Head of Division for Coordination of the Probation System) participated in a study visit to KRUS (University College of Norwegian Correctional Service), Lillestrom, Norway, from 17 to 20 October 2022.
The study visit is an activity envisaged under the project "Strengthening human rights protection and public safety by improving the capacities of the Croatian probation service", implemented by the Directorate for Prison System and Probation and financed under the Norwegian Financial Mechanism 2014-2021.
During the visit, the civil servants of the Directorate for Prison System and Probation learned about the organisation and functioning of KRUS, mostly through presentations and discussions with Norwegian colleagues - KRUS trainers: Ole Stageberg and Sven–Erik Scott. Croatian civil servants also exchanged some specific practical experiences with representatives of the Directorate of Norwegian Correctional Service KDI (Kriminalomsorgsdirektoratet) Kim Ekhaugen and Torunn Hasler.
KRUS primarily offers basic training for prison officers in Norway through an accredited two-year programme that enables them to obtain a university degree for work in correctional institutions. They also organize supplementary courses for students who wish to obtain a bachelor's degree in this field, and offer the enrolment of individual courses from the supplementary programme for students of partner institutions.
In addition to basic education, KRUS also offers unaccredited professional development programmes for prison/probation officers. It is also responsible for the planning and delivery of a number of courses and conferences for the employees of correctional institutions and partner organisations.
The study visit is an activity envisaged under the project "Strengthening human rights protection and public safety by improving the capacities of the Croatian probation service", implemented by the Directorate for Prison System and Probation and financed under the Norwegian Financial Mechanism 2014-2021.

During the visit, the civil servants of the Directorate for Prison System and Probation learned about the organisation and functioning of KRUS, mostly through presentations and discussions with Norwegian colleagues - KRUS trainers: Ole Stageberg and Sven–Erik Scott. Croatian civil servants also exchanged some specific practical experiences with representatives of the Directorate of Norwegian Correctional Service KDI (Kriminalomsorgsdirektoratet) Kim Ekhaugen and Torunn Hasler.

KRUS primarily offers basic training for prison officers in Norway through an accredited two-year programme that enables them to obtain a university degree for work in correctional institutions. They also organize supplementary courses for students who wish to obtain a bachelor's degree in this field, and offer the enrolment of individual courses from the supplementary programme for students of partner institutions.
In addition to basic education, KRUS also offers unaccredited professional development programmes for prison/probation officers. It is also responsible for the planning and delivery of a number of courses and conferences for the employees of correctional institutions and partner organisations.