Croatian probation officers undergo training in Norway
From 4 to 8 April 2022, Croatian probation officers participated in a job shadowing programme in Norwegian probation offices.
Probation officers from Varaždin, Požega, Rijeka and Split offices were trained in the probation offices in Norwegian Kristiansand and Arendal.The training is an activity envisaged under the project ‘Strengthening human rights protection and public safety through improving the capacities of the Croatian probation service’, implemented by the Directorate for Prison System and Probation and co-financed under the Norwegian Financial Mechanism 2014 - 2021.
On this occasion, six probation officers had the opportunity to learn about the work of the Norwegian Probation Service. They were presented with the challenges encountered by the Norwegian Probation Service, experiences in the application of electronic monitoring and the implementation of treatment programmes, training of probation officers, cooperation with the prison system in preparing convicts for parole and work with convicts on parole.
During their stay, probation officers had the opportunity to visit a closed and an open type of prison, as well as legal entities in which convicts perform community service.
This type of training enables the establishment of quality cooperation and offers the possibility of implementing examples of good practice in the national probation system, while the personal experience of participation in job shadowing contributes to the professional and personal development of each participant.