Start of educational working meetings on „Rewards and motivation in practice“
The first meeting of the kind was held on 1 April 2022 at the Ministry of Justice and Public Administration. In the first part, the results of research on the "Impacts of rewards on the motivation of the officers of the Directorate for Prison System and Probation", conducted in cooperation with prison and probation officers Danijela Knjižek (Zagreb I Probation Office), Marina Mirčeta Mikulić (Zagreb I Probation Office), Matea Sršen (Zagreb I Probation Office) and Iva Prskalo (Training Centre).
The second part of the metting focused on the exchange of experiences through practical assignments and on the distribution of materials produced in the research.
The meeting was attended by 23 participants - heads of sector, directors and assistant directors of penal institutions, heads of departments in the prison system and heads of probation offices. Director Jana Špero made an introductory address as well as the closing remarks.