About the Ministry


Impartial and professional judiciary and public administration that justify the trust of citizens and the society at large, and contribute to their progress.

A judiciary accessible to everyone without distinction, which performs its function in line with the principles of the rule of law, is fully capable of functioning within the EU, and as such reflects the highest European standards. A citizen-oriented and innovation-driven public administration.

A developed, secure and inclusive digital society through the synergy of economy, public administration, science, research and education. 


To ensure conditions for the quality functioning and further improvements of the judicial system of the Republic of Croatia, as well as to preserve its fundamental values.

To improve the performance of public administration, i.e. the efficiency and quality of public services provided to Croatian citizens and businesses, decentralisation and digitalisation.

To develop secure digital infrastructure and digital public services and popularise the development of digital society in all areas of life and activity of Croatian citizens, the economy and the public sector.

The Ministry of Justice, Public Administration and Digital Transformation was established by the Act on Amendments to the Act on the Organisation and Scope of State Administration Bodies (Official Gazette "Narodne novine" No. 57/2024).

With the entry into force of the Act on Amendments to the Act on the Organisation and Scope of State Administration Bodies, the Ministry of Justice, Public Administration and Digital Transformation took over the functions, equipment, archives and other documentation, resources, finances, rights and obligations of the former Central State Office for the Development of Digital Society in accordance with the organisation and scope prescribed by this Act, as well as its staff.

The internal organisation of the Ministry of Justice, Public Administration and Digital Transformation, the names of its administrative organisations and other internal organisational units as well as their scope, management, estimated number of required civil servants and other governmental employees, and other issues of particular significance for the functioning of the Ministry will be regulated by a decree on internal organisation.

This decree will replace the Decree on the Internal Organisation of the Ministry of Justice and Public Administration (Narodne novine No. 97/20, 85/22, 35/24) and the Decree on the Internal Organisation of the Central State Office for the Development of Digital Society (Narodne novine No. 54/22).