Nastavak projektnih aktivnosti prilagođen novim okolnostima (20.10.2021.)

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Komponenta 1 - rekonstrukcija zgrade Općinskog suda u Splitu
Dana 14.srpnja 2021.godine ishođena je pravomoćna izmjena i dopuna građevinske dozvole koja uključuje i nadogradnju trećeg kata. Završetak radova se očekuje u IV kvartalu 2022. godine. U tijeku su radovi na armirano - betonskoj konstrukciji 3. kata, instalacijama (elektro i strojarskim) i fasadi. Izvedba kompletne vanjske ovojnice zgrade očekuje se do kraja ožujka 2022.
Komponenta 2 - unaprjeđenje e-usluga u pravosuđu
Zbog okolnosti uzrokovanih koronavirusom COVID-19, studijski posjeti Norveškoj odgođeni su za kraj ove godine. Terensko istraživanje o korištenju pravosudnih e-usluga je završeno, a rezultati i izvješća su zaprimljeni. Slijedi izrada preporuka za unaprjeđenje postojećih te uvođenje novih e-usluga u suradnji s norveškim partnerima. Postupak javne nabave vezano uz promociju e-usluga je u završnoj fazi.
Komponenta 3 - privremeno upućivanje sudaca na rad na Europski sud za ljudska prava u Strasbourgu
Pravosudna akademija, kao projektni partner zadužen za koordinaciju treće komponente projekta, odnosno upućivanja hrvatskih sudaca u Europski sud za ljudska prava (ESLJP), izabrala je kandidatkinju koja je započela sekundiranje u rujnu 2021. Poziv na treće sekundiranje objavljen je u srpnju 2021., a prijavljeno je šest kandidata. Odabrani kandidat bit će upućen na ESLJP u siječnju 2022.


Continuation of project activities adjusted to new circumstances (20.10.2021.)

COVID 19 circumstances and the necessary changes to the project documentation in the reconstruction of the Municipal Court of Split have the greatest impact on the implementation of the planned activities. Nevertheless, all planned project activities are progressing satisfactorily and do not deviate significantly from the planned timeframes.
Component 1 – reconstruction of the Municipal Court building in Split
On July 14, 2021, a final amendment to the building permit was obtained, which includes the upgrade of the third floor. Completion is expected in the fourth quarter of 2022. Works on the reinforced concrete construction of the 3rd floor, installations (electrical and mechanical) and installation of the facade are in progress. The construction of the complete outer envelope of the building is expected to finish by the end of March 2022.
Component 2 – improving e-services in the judiciary
Due to circumstances caused by the COVID-19 coronavirus, study visits to Norway have been postponed until the end of this year. Field research on the use of judicial e-services has been completed and results and reports have been received. This is followed by the development of recommendations for the improvement of existing and the introduction of new e-services in cooperation with Norwegian partners. The public procurement procedure related to the promotion of e-services is in the final stage.
Component 3 – secondment of judges to ECtHR
Judicial Academy, as the Project Partner in charge of coordinating the third component of the project, i.e. secondment of Croatian judges to the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR), has selected a candidate for the next secondment that started in September 2021. The invitation for the third secondment was published in July 2021 and six candidates have applied. Selected candidate will be seconded to ECtHR in January 2022.