- Objavljeno: 14.07.2020.
Započeli radovi na rekonstrukciji, dogradnji i prenamjeni zgrade u Splitu (ex Prima Standa) za potrebe Općinskog suda u Splitu
Nakon obnove biti će osiguran pristup osobama sa smanjenom pokretljivošću i osobama s invaliditetom. Isto tako projektnom dokumentacijom usklađenom sa suvremenim standardima zaštite od požara, zaštite na radu, osiguranja zgrade, djelatnika i stranaka, dodatno će se povećati kvaliteta radnih uvjeta.
Trenutno se izvode pripremni radovi, radovi demontaže i rušenja, ispitivanja nosive konstrukcije te priprema projektne dokumentacije za izmjene i dopune dozvole prema važećem Zakonu i pravilnicima.
Ugovoreni rok za izvođenje radova je 12 mjeseci.

www.eeagrants.org / www.norwaygrants.org
Reconstructiion works including extension and conversion of the building in Split (ex Prima Standa) for the needs of the Municipal Court in Split has begun
The works are part of the project "Reconstruction of the Municipal Court building in Split and promotion of e-services" funded by a grant from the Kingdom of Norway in the amount of 8,460,000.00 EUR (85%) and the Ministry of Justice (15%). The value of the total investment is EUR 9,950,000.00. The aim of the project is to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of the judiciary.The relocation of the Municipal Court to this location will enable fast and continuous communication with other judicial bodies in the immediate vicinity.
After the renovation, access for people with reduced mobility and people with disabilities will be provided. Also, the project documentation harmonized with modern standards of fire protection, occupational safety, building insurance, employees and customers, will further increase the quality of working conditions.
Preparatory works, dismantling and demolition works, testing of the load-bearing structure and preparation of project documentation for changes and amendments to the permit according to the valid Law and regulations are currently being performed.
The agreed deadline for the execution of works is 12 months.

www.eeagrants.org / www.norwaygrants.org