Public administration, justice and state assets

Strengthening of the State, whose role has proven to be irreplaceable amidst the COVID-19 pandemic and devastating earthquakes in Croatia, is one of the key segments of recovery and resilience. In building a more resilient and just state, the focus will be on the implementation of reforms and investments aimed at creating an efficient, digital and competent public administration. Furthermore, it is of utmost importance to continue with the development of an impartial, effective and universally accessible judiciary and quality management of state assets.
It is therefore the purpose of all the envisaged measures in the field of public administration to enhance the efficiency of the State in the implementation of EU funded reforms and projects. In that regard, the Recovery and Resilience Plan envisages measures for increasing service quality in state and public administration through functional integration of specific business processes and their digitalisation. Enhancement of court processes in judicial proceedings and strengthening of electronic communication in courts are among those measures, as well as improvement of the anti-corruption system at all levels of government.

The Ministry of Justice, Public Administration and Digital Transformation is responsible for implementing reforms and investments under component C2 Public administration, justice and state assets, sub-components C2.2 Further improving the efficiency of public administration, C2.5 Modern justice fit for future challenges, and C2.6 Preventing and combating corruption.

Croatia submitted its 5th payment request under the Recovery and Resilience Facility (RRF) in April 2024, and in June Croatia became the most successful EU Member State in implementing reforms and investments from the RRF, as it is the first country to which the European Commission has given a preliminary positive assessment of the 5th instalment request. So far, Croatia has met 157 of the 157 planned reform and investment indicators.

Reforms and investments under the responsibility of the Ministry of Justice, Public Administration and Digital Transformation

C2.2 Further improving the efficiency of public administration
C2.5 Modern justice fit for future challenges
C2.6. Preventing and combating corruption