C2.2 R1-I1 Centralised selection system

Beneficiary: Ministry of Justice, Public Administration and Digital Transformation

The objective of this investment is to introduce a centralised online selection system in order to improve the planning of new recruitment i.e. recruitment of the required profile of civil servants/experts with adequate competencies, who will contribute to improving the efficiency of public administration. Centralised selection will ensure objectivity and transparency as well as the selection of the best candidates, and the system will entail more resilient processes and procedures that can contribute to a more efficient filling of vacancies with people with the necessary professional competences. 
It is planned to amend the legislative framework, develop IT tools, develop methodologies and necessary content to test competencies and build capacity. A standardised written testing and interview procedure will be carried out by experts, and the anonymity of candidates will be ensured throughout the process, until the interview.
Value of investment:  ∼ EUR 1.86 m 

Estimated completion: December 2024

Contact person: Iva Glamočak Leljak, sluzbenicki.sustav@mpu.hr