C2.6 R1 Increasing the efficiency, coherence and openness of authorities in the fight against corruption through digitalisation, enhancing transparency and improving coordination

Beneficiaries: Ministry of Justice, Public Administration and Digital Transformation, Ministry of Physical Planning, Construction and State Assets, Ministry of the Interior

In order to modernise and increase the effectiveness of public administration in the area of anti-corruption, a uniform IT platform is planned to improve the effectiveness of the overall preventive anti-corruption framework, covering different areas of corruption prevention: 
(i) protection of persons who report irregularities; 
(ii) right of access to information; 
(iii) lobbying, 
(iv) conflict of interest, 
(v) networking and coordination of national authorities for drafting, implementing and monitoring the implementation of national strategic and implementation documents, which will enable access to and exchange of information among all stakeholders in the fight against corruption; and
(vi) maintaining, updating and publication of the list of state-owned companies and companies owned by local and regional governments.

The establishment of the IT platform will increase public awareness of the regulatory anti-corruption framework. Citizens will be able to use a guided roadmap (virtual assistant) through legal texts and possibilities the law provides, in plain language, with links to related information found elsewhere in the legal text. In addition, it is planned to develop an IT solution for easier and safer reporting of irregularities to the Office of the Ombudswoman - the competent authority for external reporting. This way, in addition to the already existing reporting channels, established in accordance with the relevant Act, an additional channel for reporting irregularities would be established, enabling safe reporting and communication with the reporting person.

Value of investment: ∼EUR 5.8 m (reform: ∼EUR 800,000, all investments: ∼EUR 5 m)

Estimated completion: June 2026

Contact person: Ivan Odeljan, ivan.odeljan@mpu.hr