C2.1 Capacity building for the design and implementation of public policies and projects

Target 152 - Reduction of administrative burden on citizens 

Coordinator: Ministry of Justice and Public Administration in cooperation with the Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development and the Central State Office for the Development of Digital Society (as of June 2024: Ministry of Justice, Public Administration and Digital Transformation in cooperation with the Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development)
The objective of the indicator is to reduce the administrative burden on citizens by at least 20 % by the end of 2025 using the methodology for optimisation and standardisation of processes in public administration and the Standard Cost Model (SCM).
The Ministry of Justice, Public Administration and Digital Transformation, in cooperation with the competent public administration authorities (process owners), carries out activities according to the schedule from the NRRP in order to ensure timely fulfilment of the indicator:
  • conducts annual analyses of the administrative burden on citizens by life events and services
  • proposes to the Government of the Republic of Croatia the adoption of an Action Plan for relieving the administrative burden on citizens with a list of processes and costs to be reduced/abolished (normative, organizational and other activities) with regard to selected life events, covering the period until 2Q/2023
The analysis of the administrative burden on citizens includes digitally illiterate and unequipped citizens - users of public services according to the areas of life and events defined on the eCitizens website (gov.hr).
Estimated fulfilment of the indicator: 2025
Contact person: Tomislav Mičetić, kvaliteta@mpu.hr