C2.5.R1-I3 Development of a toolkit for the publication and search of court decisions

Beneficiary: Ministry of Justice, Public Administration and Digital Transformation

The objective of the investment is to establish a system of publication of all court decisions with automatic pre-anonymisation using an AI-based software solution. At the same time, all anonymised decisions would be published on a single publicly accessible web portal with advanced search options and in compliance with the rules on personal data protection. Currently, the publication of selected court decisions is made possible through the special information system of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Croatia. The available database is very limited in scope and is filled with court decisions relatively slowly. Among other things, the reason for the slow pace is the lack of automated means of anonymisation. 

In order to strengthen transparency and accessibility of court decisions to the professional and general public, an anonymisation system will be implemented and court decisions will be published on a publicly accessible web portal with which the system will be connected. Court decisions will be automatically anonymised and thus prepared for publication. The portal will enable the searching of all decisions using metadata by different criteria (court, case reference number, type of decision, date of publication, ECLI number, regulation, index data, etc.) and retrieval in different formats. The system will also have an administrator interface for further processing of anonymised decisions where required by the court and procedure.

Value of investment: ∼EUR 225,000

Estimated completion: December 2024

Contact persons: Silvije Šeremet, silvije.seremet@mpu.hr and Bruno Balabušić, bruno.balabusic@mpu.hr