C2.6 R1-I1 Engaging the general public in the fight against corruption by raising public awareness about the harmfulness of corruption, the necessity of prevention and legal protection of reporting persons

Beneficiary: Ministry of Justice, Public Administration and Digital Transformation

A national information campaign is planned to raise awareness of the harmfulness of corruption and to inform the general public about the existing anti-corruption mechanisms, including mechanisms for the protection of persons who report irregularities, with a view to encouraging citizens to report irregularities.

The national campaign will include a media campaign through advertising on TV, radio and in social media, the organisation of round table discussions and conferences as well as workshops on anti-corruption, including in secondary schools.

Value of investment: ∼EUR 800,000

Envisaged completion: June 2025

Contact persons: Ivan Odeljan, ivan.odeljan@mpu.hr, and Vjeran Šarić, vjeran.saric@mpu.hr