C2.2 R2-I1 Improving the public sector wage system, HRM and Central Payroll systems

Beneficiary: Ministry of Justice, Public Administration and Digital Transformation 

The objective of this investment is a fair, transparent, consistent, motivating and financially sustainable wage system in state administration and public services along with a standardised, digitalised and user-oriented HRM system. 

The wage system in the state administration and public services will be changed to make it fairer from the civil servants’ point of view (with the implementation of the principle of equal pay for equal work, i.e. work of equal value), more competitive (in terms of comparability with wages for the same or similar jobs in the real sector), fiscally sustainable and implemented in social dialogue or consensus with social partners.

The reform of the wage system is complemented by improvements to the human resources management system (HRM) and the Centralised (COP) Payroll system. The implementation of new functionalities in the existing HRM system and digitalisation of certain business processes will contribute to its transformation into an improved, modern, fully operational and integrated public administration HRM system.  An integrated management system should enable the collection and processing of all data for the management of employees, jobs, competences and careers, their rights and obligations in the employment relationship, and enable strategic human resources management.

Value of investment: EUR 6.8 m 

Estimated completion: December 2024

Contact persons: Fadila Bahović (public sector wage system), Saša Čolić (HRM system), sluzbenicki.sustav@mpu.hr