C2.5 R1-I4 Design and implementation of the Zagreb Justice Square project to improve access to justice and efficiency of commercial procedures and administrative disputes

Beneficiary: Ministry of Justice, Public Administration and Digital Transformation

The objective of the investment is to improve access to justice and foster the efficiency of commercial procedures and administrative disputes, to strengthen mediation and to ensure the accommodation of the Zagreb Commercial Court, the Zagreb Administrative Court, the High Commercial Court of the Republic of Croatia, the High Administrative Court of the Republic of Croatia, the Mediation Centre and the Judicial Academy in one location - Zagreb Justice Square.

In order to achieve the above, the so-called ‘smart infrastructure’ principle will be applied to centralise the infrastructure facilities of the judiciary in one location, improve the management of material and human resources and working conditions of judicial authorities, and contribute to a more efficient functioning of judicial authorities and a better service for end-users.

The investment will be implemented in several phases, including, among other things, the demolition of old (unprotected) buildings, development of design and technical documentation, implementation of public procurement procedures, technical inspection, issuance of the certificate of occupancy, equipping and relocation. 

Value of investment: ∼EUR 67.8 m

Estimated completion: June 2026

Contact persons: Karla Dragica Lipej, karladragica.lipej@mpu.hr, Ksenija Novak Pavelić, ksenija.novak@mpu.hr and Mirela Moštak, mirela.mostak@mpu.hr