C2.2 R1-I2 e-State Exam

Beneficiary: Ministry of Justice and Public Administration

A new system of online state exams has been developed and established, to ensure a more objective, appropriate and valid way of assessing candidates’ knowledge through a standardised written examination, as well as to ensure the recruitment of competent staff and increase public trust in public administration. Exam materials for online testing have been prepared according to the predefined methodology and criteria, enabling the same conditions for all candidates. The State Exam application system includes the processes of development of exam materials, applications to the exam, organisation and implementation of the state exam, and finally the issuance of the State Exam Certificate. It enables continuous monitoring and improvement of all the procedures of development and implementation of the State Exam. 

Value of investment: ∼ EUR 660,000

The measure was completed in December 2022.

Contact person: Marija Kordić, marija.kordic@mpu.hr