C2.5 R1-I2 Improvement of the Land Registry and Cadastre Information System

Beneficiary: Ministry of Justice, Public Administration and Digital Transformation

The objective is to increase the volume and quality of interlinked land registry and cadastral data in the Land Database (LDB) from the current 3.86 % by additional 60 % and, by using an AI-based software module (virtual assistant), increase efficiency in land registry procedures, and provide citizens and businesses with user support and incentives to regulate their land registry and cadastral status. 

The final target of the investment is a 100 % completion rate (60 % by 2026).

To achieve the above objectives, the measure envisages: 
a. in economically less developed areas, where there is no land register, establishment of cadastral municipalities and their registration in the Land Database to increase the number of plots by 5 % ;
b. increase in the total number of cadastral plots in the centre and the wider central area of the cities of Zagreb, Rijeka, Split etc. in the LDB by additional 10 %;
c. procedures for linking the Land Registry to the Book of Deposited Contracts for the entire territory of the Republic of Croatia by 2026 along with current state analyses and development of a software solution that will enable automatic connection of the Land Registry and Book of Deposited Contracts and download of data on specific parts with minimal involvement of civil servants;
d. development and full implementation of a software module (virtual assistant) 

Regulation of the Land Registry and the Land Database increases legal certainty in real estate transactions, stimulates investment, economic and social recovery and development, enables more effective control of the execution of public obligations, provides a more complete overview of state assets and assets owned by local and regional self-government units and their function, and ensures easier access to EU funds. In addition to a direct impact on efficiency in land registry procedures, it will also enable more successful monitoring and verification of assets and thus contribute to better implementation of anti-corruption policies.

Value of investment: EUR 3.1 m

Estimated completion: June 2026

Contact persons: Andrea Simić Rukavina, andrea.simic@mpu.hr, Erika Kaloćira Reljić, erika.kalocirareljic@mpu.hr