Directorate for Political System and General Administration

- implementation of government policy and other administrative and professional tasks relating to the political system;
- electoral law and electoral system;
- status issues of government officials;
- system and organisation of state administration;
- general legislative regulation of institutions;
- administrative supervision relating to the system and organisation of state administration, and direct enforcement of legislation governing the use of the word »Hrvatska« (Croatia) and other official signage in the names of companies and other legal persons;
- design, implementation and evaluation of the decentralisation policy;
- system and organisation of local and regional self-government; administrative supervision in the area of local and regional self-government system and organisation; supervision of the legality of general legal acts, and of the legality and functioning of local and regional self-government units; drafting proposals of laws and other regulations governing local and regional self-government system and organisation, and providing professional opinions and explanations regarding their enforcement;
- civil registries; life partnership register; electoral register; personal name changes;
- supervision over proper application of legislation and timely execution of commitments vis-à-vis diplomatic missions and consular offices of the Republic of Croatia abroad;
- proposing measures for the improvement of the manner of establishment and maintenance of electronic civil status records and digitalisation of service provision;
- steering and supervision of data entry, updates and interconnection in civil status records;
- improvement of applicative solutions for maintenance of the records;
- delivery of professional consultations on the enforcement of relevant legislation;
- drafting regulatory proposals and providing professional opinions and explanations on the enforcement of regulations within its scope, and other tasks within its scope;
- registration of political parties and religious communities;
- resolution of administrative matters in second instance proceedings relating to associations and foundations, both domestic and foreign;
- administrative supervision over the enforcement of laws governing the status issues of political parties, associations, foundations and religious communities;
- drafting proposals of relevant regulations and supervising their enforcement;
- provision of professional opinions and explanations on the enforcement of relevant regulations, and maintenance of relevant official records.
