Directorate for European Affairs, International and Judicial Cooperation and Anti-Corruption

- tasks within the competence of the Ministry relating to international and judicial cooperation and functioning within the EU;
- tasks relating to participation of representatives from the Ministry in the work of EU institutions and bodies;
- coordination and monitoring of alignment with the EU acquis;
- multilateral and bilateral cooperation in the areas of justice and public administration;
- coordination of the Ministry’s activities at the international level;
- cooperation with the International Court of Justice, the International Residual Mechanism for Criminal Tribunals, the International Criminal Court and other international courts;
- representation of the Republic of Croatia before the International Court of Justice and other international courts;
- international legal aid in criminal and civil matters;
- tasks relating to extradition;
- preparation, development and implementation of international agreements on the issues of international legal aid;
- judicial cooperation and coordination of the application of judicial cooperation instruments in criminal and civil matters with EU Member States;
- coordination, establishment and promotion of cooperation between bodies responsible for implementing anti-corruption measures, coordination of the development and implementation of national strategic and implementing documents in the area of prevention of corruption, participation in coordinating, designing and implementing various measures for combating corruption;
- drafting proposals of laws and other regulations, and professional opinions on issues relating to whistle-blower protection, conflict-of-interest prevention and lobbying.
