Round Table “Mediation in Bankruptcy Proceedings”

Slika /slike/Projekti/Norveski financijski mehanizam/Unaprjeđenje sustava sudskog mirenja/Okrugli stol_Mirenje u stecajnim postupcima_29 06 2021.png

An online Round Table on the topic of “Mediation in Bankruptcy Proceedings”, organised by the Ministry of Justice and Public Administration under the project “Reinforcing the system of court-annexed mediation”, co-financed by Norway Grants, was held on 29 June 2021.

The Round Table was attended by judges from commercial courts and the High Commercial Court, lawyers, bankruptcy trustees and representatives of the Ministry of Justice and Public Administration.
Mediation is a faster and easier way to resolve disputes and the round table discussion focused on the possibility of mediation in bankruptcy proceedings as well. The possibility of recourse to mediation in bankruptcy proceedings was assessed positively by the bankruptcy trustees, and the question was raised as to why there was no mediation procedure already in practice in such cases.
Furthermore, mediation skills of judges and lawyers were discussed, and how necessary they are for judges and lawyers. As mediation trainings are in preparation under the project “Reinforcing the system of court-annexed mediation”, judges and lawyers were invited to apply for the training, to then contribute with the newly acquired knowledge and skills to the application of mediation in bankruptcy proceedings as well. 

In conclusion, the participants expressed their satisfaction and support for efforts to improve the mediation procedure in bankruptcy proceedings.

        The project is co-financed by Norway Grants.