Open License

This Open License grants the Reuser any reuse of the Information subject to the License, including a spatially and temporally unrestricted, free-of-charge, non-exclusive and personal right to reuse the Information under this License.
This Open License applies to both content and structure of the relevant dataset which represents public sector information as well as to metadata pertaining to the Information concerned.
The Information and metadata may be exploited both commercially and non-commercially, in particular:
- reproduced, distributed and made available to third persons,
- adapted and combined with the Reuser’s own or third persons’ data to create new datasets,
- exploited by integration into internal and external business processes, products and applications in public and non-public electronic networks.
- adapted and combined with the Reuser’s own or third persons’ data to create new datasets,
- exploited by integration into internal and external business processes, products and applications in public and non-public electronic networks.
When reusing the Information, the Reuser must:
- acknowledge the source of the Information by including the attribution statement as specified by the Information Provider/Producer, and include the date of its last update;
- if the Information Provider/Producer does not provide a specific attribution statement, use the following: “Contains public sector information licensed under the Open License”, and provide a link to this License;
- provide a link to the relevant data set (URI) if the Information has been released publicly.
- if the Information Provider/Producer does not provide a specific attribution statement, use the following: “Contains public sector information licensed under the Open License”, and provide a link to this License;
- provide a link to the relevant data set (URI) if the Information has been released publicly.
Any amendments, editing, redesign or changes made must be indicated as such in the attribution statement. This License does not authorise the Reuser to reuse the information so as to suggest an official endorsement of the Reuser or the manner of use of the information by the Information Provider/Producer.