Multi-country project: TSI MCP 23LU02-HR - EU survey of central government public servants: Strengthening evidence-based people management policies and reforms

Beneficiaries of the multi-country TSI project: Republic of Croatia, Ministry of Justice, Public Administration and Digital Transformation and eight other EU Member States:
  • Kingdom of Belgium, Federal Public Service Policy and Support (FPS)
  • Republic of Bulgaria, Council of Ministers
  • Republic of Latvia, Ministry of the Interior
  • Republic of Lithuania, Institute of Public Administration
  • Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, State Centre for Human Resources and Organisation Management
  • Kingdom of the Netherlands, Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations
  • Slovak Republic, Government Office
  • Republic of Slovenia, Ministry of Public Administration

Partner: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)

Short description: The Multi-Country TSI project, together with a comprehensive analysis of the situation, will develop and implement methodologies for monitoring the well-being of officials in the public administration of the beneficiary countries. The areas of the survey for civil servants that will focus on: working conditions, employee motivation and well-being, management perception, career development and learning opportunities, perception of performance management and an innovation climate. 

General project objective: Strengthening EU Member States in their implementation of reforms aimed at boosting investment, increasing competitiveness and achieving sustainable economic and social convergence, resilience and recovery, or more specifically, strengthening human resources management policies and practices through evidence-based data from employee surveys.

Total project value: Technical Support Instrument - EUR 2,000,000 (100 % EU grant)

Implementation period: September 2023 - August 2025
