Multi-Country Project: TSI MCP 23HR01 - Measuring citizens’ satisfaction with key government services for better performance and enhanced trust

Beneficiaries of the multi-country project: Republic of Croatia, Ministry of Justice, Public Administration and Digital Transformation and nine other EU Member States:
  • Republic of Austria, Federal Ministry for Arts, Culture, the Civil Service and Sport 
  • Republic of Estonia, Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications 
  • Republic of Finland, Ministry of Finance 
  • Republic of Greece, Ministry of the Interior 
  • Republic of Ireland, Department of Public Expenditure, National Development Plan Delivery and Reforms 
  • Republic of Latvia, Ministry of Environmental Protection and Regional Development  
  • Republic of Lithuania, Ministry of the Interior 
  • Republic of Slovenia, Ministry of Public Administration 
  • Kingdom of Spain, Ministry of Finance and Civil Service 
Partner: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)
Short description: In addition to a comprehensive current state analysis, the multi-country TSI project, should develop a common methodology for measuring satisfaction with services related to specific life events, implement and analyse the results of the pilot survey for the participating countries, as well as to develop guidelines and deliver workshops to enhance citizen satisfaction and exchange the best practices of the participating countries.
General project objective: Strengthening EU Member States in their implementation of reforms aimed at boosting investment, increasing competitiveness and achieving sustainable economic and social convergence, resilience and recovery, or more specifically, developing and testing the methodology of service satisfaction surveys and introducing organisational factors to improve the design and delivery of government services.
Total project value: Technical Support Instrument - EUR 2,050,000 (100 % EU grant)
Implementation period: September 2023 - August 2025
Contact: Nina Tödtling,