e-Court Register – phase 2


Beneficiary: Ministry of Justice and Public Administration

The goal of the e-Court Register project - phase 2 is to upgrade the Court Register in order to introduce a new e-service which will improve and simplify communication of economic operators with courts, especially in the field of establishing other forms of companies for which electronic establishment is not yet possible.

Total project value: 1,456,310.31 EUR (10,972,570.00 HRK)
EU co-financing: 1,236,285.62 EUR (9,314,794.00 HRK)
Grant Agreement date: 7 November 2019
Implementation period: 02/05/2020 - 30/11/2023
Contact: razvoj@mpu.hr
For more information: www.strukturnifondovi.hr

The project is co-financed by the European Union from the European Regional Development Fund
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