Strengthening personal accountability in the prison system for the sake of sustainable development - First IN then OUT

Project under EU programme: Erasmus+, Call: KA2-1-2023
Key Action 2 (KA2): Cooperation among organisations and institutions: Small-scale partnerships in adult education
Project No.: 2023-1-SI01-KA210-ADU-000156306

Project title: Strengthening personal accountability in the prison system for the sake of sustainable development
Short project title: First IN then OUT

Project Coordinator: Ljubljana Public Education Centre - Cene Štupar (CILJ)
Project Part​ner: Training Centre, Directorate for Prison System and Probation, Ministry of Justice, Public Administration and Digital Transformation
Associated partner: Prison Administration of the Republic of Slovenia (URSIKS)

Short project description:
A short-term objective of the project is to develop a training programme for prison staff that focuses on sustainable practices and the possibility of including daily routines in dealing with prisoners, training programmes and operational procedures, and to train multipliers for the transfer of know-how in the field of sustainable development, thus increasing awareness and understanding of sustainable practices that promote environmental protection, social justice and economic sustainability for employees in the prison system.

Project objectives: 
General (long-term) objectives of the project are to promote a culture of sustainability among prison staff who are in immediate contact with inmates, which will lead to sustainable practices becoming an integral part of prison activities; to foster cooperation and exchange of best practices between prison staff and to expand the offer of training programmes for prison staff related to the green transition; to raise awareness among policy makers and the general public of the importance of sustainable training and practices in the prison system, and advocate for greater support and funding of a contemporary model of sustainable development in the prison systems of the two partner countries in this project.

Total project value: 60,000.00 EUR
The project is co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union.

Implementation period: 1 September 2023 - 28 February 2025 (18 months)

Contact persons:
Coordinator: Ms Dragica Glažar,
Partner: Mr Zdenko Jušić,