Compensation for violation of the right to a trial within reasonable time

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According to established practice, court proceedings should be finalized within three years of their initiation.

If your case is not resolved within this reasonable period, you can file:
  • a petition for the protection of the right to a trial within reasonable time, with the court in which the proceedings are pending;
  • a claim for adequate compensation for violation of the right to a trial within reasonable time.

For further information regarding claims for compensation for violation of the right to a trial within reasonable time, you can check the Catalogue of Information on the e-Citizens portal (text on Trial within reasonable time). 

Upon receiving a court decision granting a compensation for violation of the right to a trial within a reasonable time, you must submit a request for payment to the Ministry of Justice, Public Administration and Digital Transformation, with the following information:
  • your name, surname and personal ID number (OIB),
  • your postal address and contact number or e-mail address,
  • your IBAN.
The request for payment must be accompanied by the court decision granting compensation and including a certificate of finality, and a power of attorney when the compensation is to be paid to the account of an attorney-in-fact.