Administrative inspection

Ways of conducting inspection

Administrative Inspection conducts inspection ex officio and upon petitions of citizens.

An administrative inspector is autonomous in his work.

Direct inspection is conducted by on-site examination of general and individual legal acts, as well as the working conditions and functioning of the authority under inspection, in accordance with the annual administrative inspection plan, and exceptionally on top of the annual plan;

Indirect inspection is conducted by examining submitted data and documentation.

Inspection is a non-administrative procedure initiated ex officio, and includes making a written record of the identified illegitimacies, irregularities and shortcomings in the functioning of the inspected authority, including measures to be undertaken as stipulated by law.
Control of the implementation of the measures is conducted indirectly (by collecting reports and evidence of the implementation of measures), or directly when necessary.
Petitions and complaints

Administrative Inspection acts on petitions filed for the purpose of ensuring the exercise or protection of the rights of citizens and legal entities before state administration authorities, other state authorities, bodies of local and regional self-government units and legal persons vested with public powers, unless a different inspection body has been entrusted with such supervision by law. 

A petition is considered an initiative to start the inspection procedure. 

A petition is not an application for starting inspection procedure (as petitioners sometimes believe). 

An administrative inspector notifies the petitioner on action upon their petition. 

If the petition regards illegitimacies in the manner of conducting an administrative procedure and/or in a specific administrative act, and the petitioner is a party to the procedure, the petitioner should primarily seek to protect their rights by using the available means of review. 

Filing a petition

A petition can be filed:
  • in writing, in person or by post to the following address: Ministarstvo pravosuđa, uprave i digitalne transformacije, Maksimirska 63, 10000 Zagreb;
  • by e-mail ( To ensure effectiveness, a petition must contain a certain minimum of information about the authority/body it concerns (name, address, etc.) as well as a factual description of the reported illegitimacies/irregularities.