Technical Assistance under Operational Programme Efficient Human Resources 2014-2020
The project involves consulting services by external experts in analysing ideas for projects in the area of judicial administration, and preparing a Summary of the Operation (SO) and the budget. By hiring additional support of external experts, the Ministry of Justice will develop a better quality and more precise SO for a comprehensive project with the principal objective of improving the efficiency of courts and state attorney's offices. The envisaged objectives of the future project are defining and implementation of a complexity study, strengthening the capacity of judicial authorities, development of and IT action plan and delivery of necessary staff training.OBJECTIVES AND EXPECTED RESULTS OF THE PROJECT:
The developed Summary of Operations and the accompanying budget will be used as a requirement when applying for co-financing of the project upon the announcement of a Call for Proposals for operations to be financed through direct award under Priority Axis 4 - Good governance of the Operational Programme Efficient Human Resources. A requirement for the submission of a project proposal is a developed Summary of the Operation (SO) approved by the Managing Authority.TOTAL PROJECT VALUE: 147,500.00 HRK
IMPLEMENTATION PERIOD: 1 January 2016 - 31 December 2017
PROJECT BENEFICIARY: Ministry of Justice