Energy renovation of the Municipal Court building in Slavonski Brod (Trg pobjede 13)

Beneficiary: Ministry of Justice and Public Administration

The project aims towards energy renovation of the Municipal Court building in Slavonski Brod, to achieve savings of 79.95% in energy for heating, 89.27% in primary energy, modernize the appearance of the building and increase the quality of life and work in it along with a positive impact on the environment. The renovated building of the Municipal Court in Slavonski Brod will become a paradigmatic example of a successfully implemented practice that will be applied to the energy renovation of other buildings of the judicial and prison system, which are characterized by high energy consumption. The target group of this project are judges, state attorneys and deputy state attorneys, civil servants and employees in the judicial bodies of the Ministry of Justice and Public Administration and citizens.
Total project value: 9,037,106.13 HRK
Grant: 4,266,994.42 HRK
Grant Agreement date: 18 September 2018
Implementation period: 18 September 2018 – 18 March 2021
Contact: Mr Enes Sedić,

The project was co-financed by the European Union from the European Regional Development Fund.
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