Strengthening the capacity and visibility of the prison and probation systems

Ministry of Justice, Public Administration and Digital Transformation - Directorate for Prison System and Probation 

Brief project description:
The project is funded from the Bilateral Fund of the Norwegian Financial Mechanism. All groups of activities contribute to the further development of the Croatian prison and probation systems. The project will organise various activities aimed at strengthening the visibility of the work done in the prison and probation systems in Croatia, improving work quality of probation officers by enhancing their competences and skills, and strengthening ties with relevant stakeholders at national and international level. 

Project objectives:
1. Enhancing visibility of the prison and probation systems (VISIBILITY)
2. Improving work quality of the probation service (TRAINING)
3. Strengthening the interconnection between prison and probation systems and their connection with relevant stakeholders at national and international level (TRAINING) 

Total project value:
302.150,00 EUR

Implementation period:
2 May 2024 - 30 April 2025

Zvonimir Penić,