
Certificate of no ongoing criminal proceedings

The service enables submission of an application for the issuance of a certificate of no ongoing criminal proceedings for the purpose of employment, exercise of social welfare rights, exercise of health, disability or pension insurance rights or other purposes. Once processed, the certificate is sent to the Personal User Mailbox.

Certificate of good conduct (criminal record certificate) 

The service enables submission of an application for the issuance of a certificate of good conduct (criminal record certificate) upon entry into force of the Croatian Government Decision on Calling Local Elections and until the submission of candidacies for local elections. Once processed, the certificate is sent to the Personal User Mailbox.

Real Property Registration and Cadastre Joint Information System - JIS OSS

Enables the issuance of excerpts from the land registers and the book of deposited contracts. The service also enables the issuance of a copy of the cadastre plan, copy of the land registry document, and house number certificates and decisions. The documents contain electronic signature and applicable fees are paid electronically.

e-Registration for marriage

The service enables online submission of the notification of the intention to enter into a civil marriage, reservation of date and location within official premises, and online payment of administrative fees.


The service enables parents to register their child’s name and regulate the status of a newborn in the state records.

e-Registration for life partnership

The service enables online submission of the notification of the intention to register a life partnership in the official premises.

Electoral Register

The Electoral Register serves to verify one’s entry in the electoral register of the Republic of Croatia.

Electoral Register - e-Temporary registration

The service enables you to submit an online request for a change of the voting location in Croatia and abroad, as well as online registration for voting (for persons without a Croatian ID). The service is available before elections/referendums, in the period from entry into force of the Decision on Calling an Election/Referendum to 10 days before the day of the election/referendum at the latest.

Registers of non-profit organisations

The service enables retrieval of electronic records from the Register of Associations, Register of Foreign Associations, Register of Political Parties, Register of Foundations, Register of Foreign Foundations, Register of Legal Persons of the Catholic Church and Register of Religious Communities in Croatia as well as the Register of National Minority Councils, Coordination Bodies of National Minority Councils and National Minority Representatives. 


The service enables parties, attorneys-in-fact and other interested parties participating in court proceedings to get informed about the course and dynamics of case resolution in regular and appellate proceedings, i.e. provides them with access to basic information on court cases. 

e-Bulletin board

The service enables viewing of the online bulletin boards of courts and other competent bodies in Croatia.

Commercial court register (Companies register)

A public register comprising information and documents on entities registered in accordance with the law, kept by commercial courts.

Organised Land - JIS 

Enables search and browsing of basic land registry data and basic cadastral alphanumerical and graphic data for all users, without the need for registration.

Insolvency Register

An electronic register established in accordance with Regulation (EU) 2015/848 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 20 May 2015 on insolvency proceedings, in order to enhance the provision of information to relevant creditors and courts about initiated insolvency proceedings.


A service for electronic communication between participants in court proceedings and the courts.


A service enabling the submission of motions for enforcement to municipal courts on the basis of an authentic document.