Probationers completed 329,758 hours of community service in 2023

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At the 59th Government session, the Minister of Justice, Public Administration and Digital Transformation Damir Habijan presented a Proposal for the Code of Ethics for Civil Servants and Government Employees and the 2023 Report on the Work of the Probation Service.

At the beginning of his presentation, Minister Habijan explained that the current Civil Service Code of Ethics is being extended to apply to other government employees, and the new Code will clearly define five ethical principles that civil servants and government employees will be obliged to apply in their mutual relations as well as relations with citizens.

Furthermore, to modernise the performance of tasks and facilitate mutual communication between stakeholders, an obligation to use the information system eEthics is being introduced.

"The provisions relating to the procedure for determining the merits of a complaint, carried out by an Ethics Commissioner, are further elaborated in this Proposal, and the competence of an Ethics Commissioner is further clarified, with an emphasis on their autonomy and independence, and the obligation of every civil servant to provide the Ethics Commissioner with the requested information is established", said Minister Habijan.
Infrastructure investments in probation offices across Croatia

Presenting the Report on the Work of the Probation Service for 2023, Minister Habijan reminded that probation tasks were of special interest to the Republic of Croatia and were carried out with the aim of protecting the social community from offenders, their resocialisation and reintegration into the community.

"Out of the data contained in this report, I would highlight that the probation service worked on 6,729 cases in 2023, while probationers completed a total of 329,758 hours of community service", said Minister Habijan.

The Minister also touched on infrastructure projects, emphasising that probation offices in Osijek, Rijeka, Split, Bjelovar and Sisak were renovated and tender documentation was prepared for the renovation of probation offices Zagreb II and Varaždin in 2023, under a project financed by the Norwegian Financial Mechanism. 

Additionally, significant steps were taken in the implementation of electronic monitoring during the reporting period.
