First legislative framework for lobbying

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Lobbying is being regulated for the first time as a legal and legitimate activity with clear principles, rights, obligations and sanctions, in line with international standards and GRECO guidelines and recommendations.

At the Government session on Thursday, 2 October, a proposal of the Lobbying Act was adopted. For the first time in Croatian legislation, it defines lobbying, lobbyists, lobbied persons and beneficiaries of lobbying, regulates the principles of lobbying and identifies what is not to be considered as lobbying.

The legislative proposal introduces a register of lobbyists, which will be made public and will be kept by the Commission for the Resolution of Conflicts of Interest, which further strengthens the role of the Commission as an independent anti-corruption body. 

Lobbyists will be obligated to submit annual reports on their lobbying activities to the Commission for the Resolution of Conflicts of Interest, which will be authorised to impose measures in case of violations of the Lobbying Act. The measures imposed will be indicated in the Register.

In addition, lobbyists will not be able to engage in lobbying activities for 18 months after the termination of public office or civil service in relation to the body in which they were employed.

“The Lobbying Act forms part of the activities implemented by the Ministry of Justice and Public Administration within the framework of the Anti-Corruption Strategy 2021-2030 and the National Recovery and Resilience Plan, and it represents an important stride in the development of the anti-corruption policy and preventive action”, said Minister Malenica.
