Special certificate from the criminal records – requested ex officio by a competent authority, not the party

Under the Act on the Legal Consequences of Conviction, Criminal Record and Rehabilitation, criminal records are kept for natural and legal persons convicted of criminal offences by a final and binding judgement in the Republic of Croatia, as well as for Croatian nationals and legal persons with a registered seat in Croatia who have been convicted of crimes by a final and binding judgement rendered abroad, if the data have been delivered to the Ministry.
The legal basis for requesting the certificate of good conduct from the criminal record is Article 13 (1) of the above Act, which expressly stipulates that the special certificate is issued for special purposes or when this is envisaged by a special law. Special certificates issued for the purposes stipulated by special laws (e.g. issuing a license for international road freight transport) will be requested for you by a competent authority ex officio.

In accordance with the above, a written application for data from the criminal record must indicate the purpose and legal basis for the request, and must be submitted on a standard form III a (natural person) or III b (legal person), both of which form part of the Criminal Records Ordinance.
Application form for the special certificate for a natural person_form III.a (in Croatian) 
Application form for the special certificate for a legal person_form III.b (in Croatian) 
Therefore, the issuance of the special certificate cannot be requested by the party themselves, but by a competent authority ex officio.

The Ministry issues the special certificate in accordance with the special law which specifies a catalogue of criminal offences for which a person can be checked for the purposes stipulated by the special law.

For additional information, contact us Monday through Thursday 9:00 to 11:00 a.m. at: +385 (0)1 3714 224, +385 (0)1 3714 228 and +385 (0)1 3714 213.