Petitions and complaints

 You can file a petition or a complaint about:
  • the work of a court or a state attorney’s office regarding procrastination of proceedings,
  • conduct of a judge or other court employee, state attorney, deputy state attorney or other employee of a state attorney’s office towards you in the course of judicial proceedings or other official action.
The complaint must contain the case number and name of the judicial authority handling the case.
The Ministry of Justice, Public Administration and Digital Transformation is not authorised to:
  • give advice to parties on how to act in specific situations/proceedings
  • provide parties with legal aid and legal advice
  • question the legality of decisions rendered by judicial authorities in individual cases​
  • considering the separation of powers between three branches of government - the legislature, the executive and the judiciary -, the executive (Ministry of Justice, Public Administration and Digital Transformation in this case) is not authorised to interfere with individual court cases or to establish facts, this being entirely under the competence of the judiciary, which is autonomous and independent, and the law provides parties with the means of legal protection of their rights. 

You can also file a petition for the purpose of ensuring the exercise or protection of your rights as a citizen or a legal entity before state administration authorities, other state authorities, bodies of local and regional self-government units and legal persons vested with public powers, unless a different inspection body has been entrusted with such supervision by law.

Petitions and complaints can be submitted in writing to the Directorate for Judicial and Administrative Inspection at (judicial matters) or (administrative matters), or to the following postal address: Ministarstvo pravosuđa, uprave i digitalne transformacije, Uprava za pravosudnu i upravnu inspekciju, Maksimirska 63, Zagreb.
Upon receipt of your petition or complaint and verification of submitted data, the Ministry will inform you of the outcome within the shortest possible period of time.