International conference “Comprehensive Approach to Crime Prevention”

The international conference “Comprehensive Approach to Crime Prevention” was organised by the Agency for Crime Prevention, Non-custodial Sentences Enforcement and Probation of the Ministry of Justice of Georgia. 

The conference took place on 25 and 26 July 2024 in Tbilisi, Georgia, and was attended by over 150 participants from Georgia and abroad and was opened by Minister of Justice of Georgia Rati Bregadze. 

At the invitation of the organizers, Head of Probation Sector Goran Brkić also participated in the conference, presenting the work of the probation service, with a special emphasis on its rehabilitation programmes and the Individual Rehabilitation Programmes Manual created under the project funded from Norwegian Grants. 

Apart from the Croatian representative, the conference was attended by representatives of the probation services of Romania, Czech Republic, the Netherlands and Azerbaijan, and international experts Leo Tiges and Steve Pitts presented on the development and current challenges faced by the probation service of Georgia. 

The participation of the Head of Probation Sector at this conference was realized under the project "Strengthening the capacity and visibility of the prison and probation system", funded from the Bilateral Fund of the Norwegian Financial Mechanism.