Croatian probation officers participate in Job Shadowing in Slovenia

Croatian probation officers completed a Job Shadowing training in probation offices in Slovenia from 9 to 12 April 2024.

Six probation officers from offices in Bjelovar, Varaždin and Zagreb underwent training in probation offices in Slovenia, specifically in Celje, Maribor, Ljubljana and Novo Mesto, in the period 8-12 April 2024, under the project “Strengthening human rights protection and public safety by improving the capacities of the Croatian probation service”. The project is funded by the Norwegian Financial Mechanism 2014-2021 and implemented by the Prison System and Probation Directorate of the Ministry of Justice and Public Administration.

The participants had the opportunity to listen to Slovenian probation officers’ interviews with probationers, to visit them in the field and to visit legal entities included in community service. Probation officers from the two countries exchanged knowledge, gained insight into the similarities and differences of the two probation systems and exchanged examples of good practice as well as the challenges they encounter in the performance of probation tasks. Croatian officers also had the opportunity to get acquainted with the IT program of the Slovenian probation service and compare it with the system used in Croatia. 

Active participation of all participants contributed to the quality of job shadowing, and they expressed their satisfaction with this way of exchanging experiences and readiness to implement the acquired knowledge and experience in the national probation system.

This form of training has contributed to strengthening the existing long-standing quality cooperation of the two probation services, and the personal experience of job shadowing has contributed to the professional and personal development of each participant.