Pula/Pola Prison

Kranjčevićeva 6, 52100 Pula

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Visits to convicts

  • second and fourth Sunday of the month and holidays, 9:00h - 15:00h
(visitor entry until 13:00h)

Visits to detainees

  • Tuesdays, first and third Sunday of the month, 9:00h - 15:00h
(visitor entry until 14:00h)

Visits of children to convicts and detainees (crime)

  • Saturdays, 9:00h - 13:00h, subject to prior announcement at +385 (0) 52225169

Visits to juvenile detainees (crime)

  • Tuesdays, first and third Sunday of the month, 9:00h - 15:00h
(visitor entry until 14:00h)
  • Saturdays, 9:00h - 12:00h

Visits by attorneys, consular representatives, etc. 

  • workdays, 8:00h - 15:00h, except Tuesdays



Parcels can be delivered in person on Wednesdays from 12:00h to 14:00h or by post.


Money can be paid to an inmate by:
  • postal order to the following address:
Zatvor u Puli-Pola, Kranjčevićeva 6, 52100 Pula,
Be sure to indicate the full name of the inmate for whom the payment is made;
  • ​bank transfer to the giro account of the Prison:
Recipient: Zatvor u Puli-Pola, Kranjčevićeva 6, 52100 Pula
Payment description: full name of the inmate for whom the payment is made
IBAN:   HR2623900011300002230
SWIFT: HPBZHR2X (for international payments)
Banks charge a fee for all payments, and the fee for international payments depends on the country of the sender.