Dubrovnik Prison

Address: Ulica Bana Josipa Jelačića 12, 20000 Dubrovnik
Tel.:       +38520357733, +38520357735
Fax:       +38520357730
Email:  Zatvor.u.Dubrovniku@zdu.pravosudje.hr
​Office hours:  7:00h - 15:00h

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Visits to detainees

  • Thursdays and the first and third Sunday of the month 
8:00h - 13:00h 
14:00h - 16:00h

Underage children may visit their parents

  • on visitation days

13:00h - 14:00h 

Visits to juvenile detainees  

  • Tuesdays, Thursdays and the first and third Sunday of the month 
8:00h - 13:00h 
14:00h - 16:00h 

Visits to convicts

  • second and fourth Saturday or Sunday (by defined groups of inmates) of the month and on holidays 
8:00h - 13:00h 
14:00h - 16:00h

Underage children may visit their parents on

  • second and fourth Saturday or Sunday (by defined groups of inmates) of the month in the month and on holidays
8:00h - 13:00h 
14:00h - 16:00h
  • Wednesdays and every third Saturday of the month 
8:00h - 13:00h 

Attorney visitation

  • workdays except for Thursday 
8:00h - 13:00h 
14:00h - 16:00h

Permission for visits

Permission to visit a detainee is granted by the competent court at its own discretion at a visitor’s request.
Permission to visit a convict is granted by the director of the Prison at the request of the convict. Inmates can be visited by family members.


Persons deprived of liberty cannot receive telephone calls. They may make telephone calls from the Prison according to approved telephone numbers.

Money deposits

Money can be sent to persons deprived of liberty by postal payment to the address of the Dubrovnik Prison, with the indication of the inmate’s full name,
or by bank transfer to IBAN: HR1623900011300000082, with an indication the name and surname of the person for whom the payment is made. 
In case of bank transfers, be sure to send a copy of payment receipt to fax number +38520357730 or by e-mail to: Zatvor.u.Dubrovniku@zdu.pravosudje.hr 
International payments can be made via Western Union.
Money is not received directly at the Prison.

Package reception

Parcels are received Tuesdays and Fridays from 8:00h to 10:00h for detainees, and Fridays from 8:00h to 10:00h and during visitation for convicts, upon presentation of the visitor’s identity card.
Items and parcels for persons deprived of liberty can be sent by post to the Dubrovnik Prison.
The items and parcels are inspected, and any items that cannot be inspected will not be received.
It is not permitted to receive tobacco, food and hygiene products.