During the programming period 2014-2020, the Ministry of Justice and Public Administration contracted 15 projects with a total value of ca. HRK 320 million, which are co-financed from the European Structural and Investment Funds.
Implementation of nine projects has been supported from the European Social Fund (ESF) under the Operational Programme Efficient Human Resources 2014-2020, while six projects have been supported under the Operational Programme Competitiveness and Cohesion 2014-2020.
The objectives and activities of each project are aligned with the measures and objectives of the following documents: Public Administration Development Strategy 2015-2020; e-Croatia 2020 Strategy; the Judicial Development Strategy 2013-2018; European e-Justice Strategy 2014-2018; European e-Justice Strategy 2014-2020; Strategic Plan of the Ministry of Justice 2018-2020; National Strategy for the Development of the Victim and Witness Support System 2016-2020; and the Action Plan for the Implementation of Strategic Guidelines of the Judicial Development Strategy 2013-2018. They represent a comprehensive strategic framework for the development of the judiciary and public administration with the aim of improving the quality of life of citizens in the Republic of Croatia, strengthening citizens' trust in the judicial system, transparency of procedures, strengthening the competencies of civil servants and employees in public services, raising the quality of the judiciary and public administration, and providing high-quality electronic public services.