
Implemented activities

Activity 1.1.1: Conducting analysis of the existing relevant legislative framework and preparing analysis report with recommendations for improvement of the existing legislative framework related to the execution of all probation tasks.

1st mission of this activity was implemented from 9 – 13 May by two STE’s. This mission was overview of the legislative system. Experts also had meetings with Croatian experts, and also visited the probation office in Zagreb.

2nd mission of this activity was implemented from 30 May to 3 June, also by two STE’s. This mission was overview of the legislative system. Experts had meetings with Croatian experts, and Judge Ms Iva Gradiški Lovreček, at Municipal Criminal Court in Zagreb. On Tuesday, 31 May and Wednesday, 1 June, working group was held.

Activity 1.1.2: Conducting analysis of the existing work practice of the Probation Service and preparing an analysis report with recommendations for improvement of work practice in order to meet the best EU practices and standards.
1st mission of this activity was implemented from 11 – 15 July by two STE’s. In this mission, experts were developing a skill assessment tool (SAT) for direct observation assessment and self-evaluation questionnaire. Pilot implementation of the SAT was conducted in the probation office in Zadar.

2nd mission of this activity was implemented from 12 – 16 September by four STEs. In this mission SAT and self-evaluation questionnaire were implemented in the Probation Office Zagreb I, Probation Office Bjelovar and Probation Office Rijeka. Also, some of the reports and practices of the Probation Service were analysed. A corresponding report will be prepared.
Activity 2.1.1: Conducting analysis of the existing training programmes in the Probation Service for treatment of specific categories of offenders and preparing corresponding report.

1st mission was implemented by two STEs from 6 – 10 June. The experts had meetings with Croatian experts, representatives of universities and scientific societies, and visited Probation Local Office Zagreb II.

2nd mission was implemented by two STEs, from 27 June to 1 July. Experts had meetings with representatives of NGOs, Penitentiary centre and Society for Psychological Assistance.
Activity 2.1.2: Preparing comparative overview of the existing programmes of probation services in Member States for individual and group treatment of specific categories of offenders.

1st mission was implemented by two STEs from 13 to 17 June, and it was overview of programmes not only of probation services but of prison system also. The experts held meetings with Croatian experts, visited Probation Local Office Zagreb I and on Friday, 17 June they presented power point on best practices in Europe on treatment and training programmes to representatives of Zagreb Probation Local Offices.

Activity 2.1.3: Developing and introducing in the Probation Service special long term training programmes, including curricula and teaching materials, for the future training of the Probation Service employees.
1st mission of this activity was implemented by four STEs from 10 – 14 October. The experts were developing treatment programmes for sex offenders and for gender-based violence offenders. The goal was to present the programmes to the representatives of the Head Office of the Sector for Probation and to the Probation Offices Zagreb 1 and Zagreb 2, in order to further tailor the contents to the needs of the Croatian Probation Service. 


 2nd mission of the activity was implemented from 7 – 11 November by three STEs. The experts presented and discussed the Proposal of Motivation for Change and the proposal of the General Violence and General Offending Program. Two working groups were held with Probation Officers, Probation Managers, and representatives of the Central Office. The experts will prepare programs and training materials for the future training of the Probation Service employees.

Activity 2.2.1: Conducting Training Needs Analysis (TNA) based on previous trainings and future training needs for probation staff and preparing TNA report.
The activity was implemented by two STEs from 12 – 16 September. The meetings were held in Probation Offices Zagreb I, Zagreb II and Bjelovar, as well as in Probation headquarters; to analyse the structure of the organisation and specify training needs. A corresponding report with designed training plan will be prepared.


Activity 2.2.2:
Based on TNA, preparing training programme and training materials in the area of individual and group work with specific categories of offenders.

1st mission of this activity was implemented by four STEs from 28 November to 2 December. The mission was related to treatment programs for offenders and trainings for probation officers. The experts run workshops with probation staff and met with Prison Service representatives. They also discussed some evaluation issues with professor Irma Kovčo Vukadin of the University of Zagreb and with the professionals of Dom DUGA Zagreb - home for children and adult victims of domestic violence; the first of its kind in Zagreb. All this preparatory work will be the basis of the new treatment manuals and trainings that will be developed next year.

2nd mission of this activity was implemented from 12 to 16 December by two experts. The experts were working on three important topics: 1) To finalize and get some feedback for their therapeutic proposal to work with violent offenders in Probation; 2) To work on some coordination between the Probation Service and the Prison Service regarding conditional release and follow-up of treatment programs and 3) To work with probation officers and managers on an evaluation protocol for the upcoming trainings. During the mission, Probation officers visited the Prison Zagreb where they listened to the presentation on the treatment of prisoners, and Prison officers visited the Probation Office Zagreb I in order to learn about Probation work. 

Activity 2.2.4: Conducting trainings for at least 40 staff members from the Probation Service.
1st mission of this activity was implemented by three experts from 6 to 10 February. The first training of probation officers designed in the activity 2.2.2 was conducted in this mission. The treatment programme was for gender-based violence offenders under probation and 20 probation officers were trained.

2nd mission of this activity was implemented by two experts from 6 to 10 March. This was the second training and 15 probation officers were trained, in the area of the treatment programme for sex offenders.

Activity 3.1.1: Conducting analysis of the existing national legislative framework which regulates ES with the purpose of setting the basis for implementation of the pilot project and preparing analysis report with corresponding recommendations.
This activity was implemented in one mission, by one STE from 30 May to 3 June; meetings with Croatian experts were held, and working group focused on electronic monitoring was held on Wednesday, 1 June.

Activity 3.2.1: Conducting at least 4 meetings with at least 1 representative of key partners in ES pilot project (judges, police, probation service and state prosecutors) in order to discuss and enhance cross-sectorial cooperation.

During the first mission, implemented on 20 and 21 October by one STE, two workshops were conducted, with representatives of the Probation Head Office, probation officers and Probation Managers. The goal was to identify the core elements of the electronic monitoring and probation models, the strategic competencies, offer value and client segmentation, as well as the key resources and partners.

The second mission of this activity was implemented by two experts from 21 to 25 November. The experts had meetings with all the partners involved: Probation Service, Judiciary, State Attorney Office, Prison Service and Police. The goal was to discuss the decisional framework that will guide the implementation of electronic monitoring in the pre-trial phase (for investigative home detention cases) and in the conditional release phase.

Activity 3.2.2: Preparing draft protocols on cooperation between key partners (judges, police, probation service and state prosecutors)
The mission was implemented by three experts from 9 to 13 January. The experts prepared a draft for the protocol on cooperation between Probation, Prison, Police, Judges and State Attorney. This protocol will serve the basis for the pilot project implementation. 

Activity 3.3.1:
Preparing comparative overview of ES system in the Member States which can serve as good practice example for Croatia.
This activity, implemented from 5 – 8 September by two STEs, was a review of the existing legislative framework of the Probation System and review of the best practice and European standards in Spain, Belgium, Sweden and UK. The main target was to present the results of the comparative research on national criminal legislation applicable to Electronic Monitoring.

Activity 3.3.2: Conducting 1 study visit in MS (5 working days, 8 participants) in order to acquire wider perspective and direct experience in using ES probation practice and preparing study visit report.

The study visit was conducted from 28 November to 2 December. Croatian delegation travelled to Spain to learn about good practices on Electronic Monitoring. The representatives of several Croatian institutions - Probation Service, Judiciary, State Attorney Office, Prison Service and Police Department - had the chance to meet their Spanish colleagues and share thoughts, questions and views on how Electronic Monitoring can help the Probation work. 

Activity 3.3.3: Conducting cost-benefit analysis for introduction of ES system in Croatia and preparing corresponding report.

This activity was implemented by one STE in the week from 19 – 22 September. The expert had meetings with representatives of the Central Office of Probation Sector, General Secretariat and Directorate for Prison system, in order to prepare a cost-benefit analysis of electronic monitoring in Croatia. The cost of electronic monitoring compared with the cost of prison and probation was presented in a workshop with representatives of the aforementioned institutions along with a representative from the Ministry of Interior. The good practices regarding electronic monitoring in Belgium were also presented.

Activity 3.3.4: Monitoring ES pilot project and preparing monitoring report(s).
1st mission of this activity was implemented by one expert from 30 January to 3 February. The design and general outline of the EM Monitoring and Evaluation Plan was presented to the Central Office.

Activity 4.1.1: Enhancing visual identity of the Probation Service in order to promote probation and its advantages to interested stakeholders and general public.

This activity was implemented by two experts from 14 to 18 November. The experts discussed the program and the previous PR activities run by Sector for Probation in order to discuss and plan future activities. The same week the experts and representatives of the Central Office of the Ministry of Justice attended the second CEP (Confederation of European Probation) conference on “Alternatives to Detention in Central and Eastern European countries”, jointly organized by CEP and the Directorate for Criminal Law and Probation of the Republic of Croatia, took place in Dubrovnik, Croatia. The Twinning Project team had a relevant participation in the conference, as Ms Jana Špero (Project Leader for Croatia) gave a presentation on “How to promote probation”, Mr Ioan Durnescu (Junior Project Leader) run a workshop on “Mass supervision in Romania” and Ms Esther Montero (Member State Project Leader) and Ms Laura Negredo (Resident Twinning Adviser) presented the main findings of our project EU Twinning Project “Support to further development of the Probation in Croatia”. 

Activity 4.1.2: Preparing PR guidelines with messages to be communicated and methods to be used, including identification of target groups

First mission of this activity was implemented by two experts from 5 to 9 December. The experts created a PR Action Plan 2017 for the Probation Service of Croatia. They worked their proposal with Head Office representatives, Probation Managers and Officers, and also with the Public Relations Department of the Ministry of Justice. Internal and external communications were relevant subjects during this week, and the PR materials to be developed during the project were discussed. 

Second mission of this activity was implemented by two experts from 16 to 20 January. The PR Strategy and the Action plan were finished and the PR materials that were discussed during the previous mission, leaflets and brochures with general information about probation, were designed. The leaflets and brochures were designed in order to promote the visibility of Probation in Croatia.

Activity 4.1.3: Preparing layout and content of the Probation Service website.

This activity was implemented through one mission, by one expert, from 27 February to 3 March. Presentation on the best international practice and analysis of potential design of the website were presented – menu structure of the homepage and layouts of homepage and subpages.

Activity 4.2.2: Conducting public event for interested stakeholders and general public in order to promote the Probation Service and its contribution to security and prosperity of the community.
The mission was implemented by two experts on 24 January. The experts discussed the organisation of the conference on probation system, enhancing its visibility and presenting its outputs. At the same time they discussed exhibition of pictures, which will be taken by probation officers and offenders. The exhibition will be organised in the week from 24 to 30 April.